Monday, September 28, 2009


These are two of my favorite shots out of the nine taken for the second project. The top one is my High Depth of Field shot. It was taken in Philly outside of my friends house. I was not intending to take pictures specifically for this project, but after looking back at the shots I have from this day I thought this would be the best for the topic. I love the colors. The two red buildings make the blue sky pop. I also fell in love with this picture because of the colors of the flowers in Julie's dress which mirror the colors surrounding her on the street. Her stance is great for the picture because it is leisurely and fun. Her dress and hair are swaying just the right amount.
This was my Stop Motion shot. Once I took this picture I was so excited because I love the way it captures my dog, Moose. See, Moose loves playing ball. No.... Moose is obsessed with playing ball. Therefore I believe this picture captures the true essence of Moose. Unfortunately the ball is harder to see because I caught it right when it was passing by the area where the sun was really lighting up the background. I still think it is a fun shot. I took it at my house, so once again it's a subject I love at a place I love.


  1. Well, aren't these pictures just wonderful!
    Of course I love the one of that hot babe but I really love the one of Micky! It is so great!
    More more more!

  2. i really like all the bright colors in the first picture! and I like how the girl looks like she's swaying. Great shot=)
